Trade Unions affiliated to Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Many Trade Unions nationally support Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Quite a few of them are affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Following are the lists of the Unions affiliated. If you are a member of any of the following unions, you should also try and get your branch and region to affiliate to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. 

List of Unions affiliated to Palestine Solidarity Campaig

ASLEF – The Train Drivers’ Union

BFAWU – Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union

CWU – The Communication Workers Union

FBU – Fire Brigades Union

GMB (general trade union)

Musicians’ Union

NAPO (union for probation and family court staff)

NEU – National Education Union

PCS – Public and Commercial Services Union

RMT – National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers

TSSA – Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association

UCU – University and College Union 

UNISON – The Public Service Union

Unite the Union

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