Forthcoming events in and around Birmingham

Health Care Workers Visual Vigil

Film Screening Where Olive Trees Weep

The film gives background to the current crisis in Israel/Palestine and brings to light the lives of people we met on our 2022 journey in the occupied West Bank. Their universally human stories speak of intergenerational pain, trauma and resilience.  We hope they touch your heart, stir compassion and understanding, and give rise to a pursuit for justice. For without justice, peace remains an empty slogan.

Cinema can be a powerful force for change.  Our aim is, beyond mere education, to truly move hearts and minds and inspire audiences to echo the calls for freedom, equality and dignity that have gone unanswered for far too long.

The film is our modest contribution towards our dream for an end to the occupation in Palestine, the attainment of equal rights and fair treatment for Palestinian people, and the spreading of healing for all intergenerational cycles of trauma in the region.


Stop Arming Israel. Stop the Genocide

A national demonstration to support the call for Stop Arming Israel and ending the genocide.

To book your place

Divest For Palestine Conference

Where next for the solidarity movement?

Palestinians continue to face the darkest hour in their enduring struggle for liberation. Israel’s genocidal assault has killed many tens of thousands and displaced 90% of Gaza’s population. Across their homeland and in exile, Palestinians are subjected to a system of oppression that is recognised internationally as meeting the legal definition of the crime of apartheid.

For More Details and book your place

Big Ride for Palestine 2024

Book now for The Big Ride for Palestine - Saturday 3 August, Birmingham/Midlands. Bookings close on 27 July so don’t miss out!


Boycott Divestment and Sanctions

Click on the button below to check how you can help

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Palestine Solidarity Campaign National Website

Palestine Solidarity Campaign is a national organisation campaigning for the rights of the Palestinians and for equality and justice including the right of self determination in their own land in Palestine.

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