Protest: Al-Quds/ is Palestine ! Birmingham High Street 9th Dec 2 pm – 4pm

Protest on the High Street, Birmingham by Marks and Spencer

U.S. President Donald Trump’s reported plan to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the “capital of Israel” is an appalling attempt to give legitimacy to Israel’s illegal control of the city by a xenophobic and racist U.S. administration.

Jerusalem is illegally occupied by Israel under international law, and this latest illegal act reverses decades of official U.S. policy on Jerusalem. It goes against the entire international consensus on Jerusalem and exposes again the US blindly adhering to Israeli policy to ethnically cleanse Palestine and to set the Middle East ablaze.

Palestinians, supported by the absolute majority in the millions of people of conscience worldwide, will protest this latest U.S. surrender to Israel’s extremist agenda and we will stand with them in Birmingham. We will collectively continue to insist on attaining Palestinians' UN-stipulated rights and ending Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid through popular resistance and the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

We call on all concerned individuals to take a stand for the Palestinians, still occupied, still violently forced from their land, and still the victims of the shameful support of western governments, from the Balfour Declaration to the US embassy move to Jerusalem. Join the ‘Hands Off Jerusalem’ protest on SAturday 1400-1600 high street Birmingham

#FreePalestine #BDS #StopArmingIsrael

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